
Digital marketing for doctors

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Optimize your website, correct mistakes, and repair Google/Bing penalties

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Develop a comprehensive SEO plan based on your marketing goals and branding.

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SEO Writing

SEO Content Writing that stays on top of Google and Bing Results

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Optimize your website, correct mistakes, and repair Google/Bing penalties

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Healtcare SEO

Develop a comprehensive SEO plan based on your marketing goals and branding.

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Small Business SEO

SEO Content Writing that stays on top of Google and Bing Results

Digital marketing for doctors focuses on expanding your online presence to get new patients. The top 5 Digital Marketing tactics for doctors are:

  1. SEO Content Marketing (Getting your website found on Google/Bing/Alexa)
  2. Social Media Marketing
  3. YouTube Content Creation 
  4. Online Reviews
  5. HIPAA Compliant Email Marketing

Print advertising is dead. The problem is that digital marketing expanded so quickly that most digital marketing agencies don’t have enough qualified staff to get you maximal results. Most digital marketers are great on the sales pitch and negligent on fulfilling their promises. Medical providers are too busy to learn marketing on top of seeing their patient base, so they wouldn’t know if their current marketing efforts were falling short until they’ve already invested $10,000-$20,000 with very little ROI. Today, I’ll share 8 proven digital marketing strategies for acquiring new patients that actually work.

women doctor on video